21 June 2008


Alright, we're running out of time...so here's the first installment of the highly anticipated feature MEET THE INTERNS - today starring Miss Emily Jablonski. More to come!

Hometown: Clinton, NJ

School / Education: Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD--expected BA in theatre arts December 2008

Favorite theatrical experience (past tense): My senior year in high school we did the Compleat William Shakespeare Abridged. To this day it is the BEST show I have ever been a part of. There were no elaborate sets or lights or costumes (sorry guys), just a group of people putting on good theatre. Everyone in it was having fun performing and the audience knew it, which made them enjoy the show more.

Describe your position with Clubbed Thumb: Well...as an intern I am the Assistant Director for Vendetta Chrome. I work for Clubbed Thumb as the company manager and administrative assistant for Summerworks 08. I also am in charge of getting done all of the distribution of the brochures for the festival. And I am on run crew for Vendetta as well. What a great summer :)

Why Clubbed Thumb? To be honest, back in November 2007 I was already looking for internships and I came across Clubbed Thumb's site and filled out the internship form. About a month later Meg called me up to see if I would be interested in an assistant house managing internship they had for Amazons and Their Men in January. I of course accepted. After interning over the winter they invited me to come back at a different capacity. I decided to do so because they gave me (as you can see above) opportunities to experience several different areas of theatre all in the time of one internship, and I thought that was pretty great :)

What do you like best about Clubbed Thumb? I love the community. Clubbed Thumb really cares about their artists and their careers...even interns. If they hire someone and another opportunity comes up, they don't just say too bad you're already working with us. They congratulate you and make it work!!! With the kind of egos that go along with theatre sometimes (we have to admit that) it is really hard to find companies and people that care about YOU and not their personal gain. Clubbed Thumb definitely cares :)

Favorite memory / moment / quote / happening from this summer so far? Probably the Constitutional Convention, preparing everything with everyone, that was fun.


Tessie0457 said...

YAY for Emily! She's the best ever! She is being very modest in her job description...we abused her to no end and she pretty much became a slave girl.
But I adore her and hope she makes her way back to NYC after college!!!

Donald said...

As a Clubbed Thumb intern alumn (and subsequent Non-intern) I will second everything Emily said. The Thumb has a particular knack for finding and nurturing great people. And as those of you in cyberspace continue to read the profile that (I hope) will continue, take note, because these are people you WILL be answering to someday.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.